God and the Bible

Nowadays, the arguments against the authenticity, the indubitable character  and the  proof of an Almighty God’s existence from the Bible have overwhelmingly grown.

The multiple contradictions, the inaccuracy of certain events and the forgery of others have put the Bible scholars in a bad shape.

In addition to the proven data found, the mistranslated portions and the usurpation of authors’ names are some of the challenges the Bible scholars are still facing unsuccessfully.

When for thousands of years, a perception of the truth has established itself as unquestionable and all of the sudden, the challenges faced are insuperable; it is quite alarming for those who not only died for defending this truth but also for those actually willing  to do so.

Exactly for those people, I am writing this post. In fact, I do not pretend to end with this continuous polemic, neither do I expect to bring any plausible outcome of it. However, there is a question we should all ask ourselves objectively without considering the weight of our oriented beliefs, keeping in mind that I am still a Christian who really knows what he is talking about.

And before I go on, I want to clarify that unless you can question what you  believe without any fear, you are not free. Of course, we were taught to just believe and period, but unfortunately or fortunately, this period of time is completely gone: No one should just believe in anything without comparing the sources, investigating and more importantly without seeing (having a clear and balanced understanding). Now, by questioning what we were taught to just believe in as true, their foundation and accuracy, we may seem like a reluctant believer and  we may even expect to be treated like an outsider, an intruder, or to be categorized anything else; and we should not be worried about that. So, if you are a believer, don’t be afraid of questioning your belief like I do.  I think the Almighty and All Powerful God has nothing to do with a set of beliefs created and manipulated by men.

The question we should all ask ourselves as I mentioned in the previous paragraph, is as followed: Can the Great Almighty and All Powerful GOD be found in the Bible?

According the Bible, the answer is : “NO”

We will never find this kind of GOD in the mix of manipulated, oriented and mistranslated information. Information that often presented a God of confusion,  with little power, unfair, contradicting Himself etc… The more we study the Bible, using all the data we have, the more obvious these evidences are. Please, don’t get me wrong, we are talking only about certain portions of the Bible. Without any intention to discredit the true stories and messages of the Bible, I am considering the confusing parts where the Bible scholars are inventing explanations that make no sense trying to justify their truthfulness and forcing people to simply believe. Remember, we are talking about written texts that suffered numerous alterations from one language to another, from one context to another, from one period of time to another, and even from one culture to another. When I see people taking it personal, getting emotional because the accuracy of those texts are being questioned, I simply don´t get it:

An Almighty and All Powerful God that often just “tests” his people to prove them His is right /they are wrong or to see  how much faith they have in Him, is questionable. Although the Bible scholars will argue tooth and nail that God ‘s people are the ones who always or most of the times fail  those tests, it remains contradictory when in other similar cases the same God acts differently according to the same Bible.

Nevertheless, the facts are, according to the Bible, as follow: Adam failed: That is the reason why the world is a mess; Abraham failed: That is the reason why the two brothers are continuously fighting against each other); Moses failed: He was not allowed to enter the Canaan; the story of the Israel (Nation) is a constant failure and because of that the All powerful and Almighty God kept on punishing them…What is also surprising is the fact that one way God punishes them is to allow other nations those that don’t even believe in Him to enslave or dominate over Israel.  The Almighty and All Powerful God is then always asking them to repent, to turn back to Him so that He can bless them again, and again, and again; and then the Christians, with a different message from the same God, this time through Jesus Christ, the Messiah supposedly rejected by Israel. The same God that clearly instructed Israel not to use any creature, object or whatever to get to Him, is now saying that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one gets to God except through Jesus. Christians will argue that’s the way, the only way: There is no other way to get forgiveness for sins and to be saved but through Jesus Christ. It sounds like the Almighty God changes the process since prior to Jesus, God’s people (Israel/Judah) could just confess their sin, repent and then they were forgiven.  Of course, Christians will find an explanation and try to prove they are right. Then the Muslims with Mohammed as their last prophet claiming that the promise made to Abraham was for Ismael descendants, the big brother, not Israel the little one. A Muslim is fully committed to follow the dictations of Mohammed: He is not questionable, period.

The same Almighty and All Powerful God had spoken about the end of the times and the resurrection through different prophets (Daniel, Ezekiel, Jesus, Paul, John, Mohammed, the Americans etc.), not only each one is different, but worse, they are many interpretations of each one. Again, how does an Almighty and All Powerful God willing to tell the future to his people let them so lost about understanding it the only way it is? Why do they have to have their own view about it if it really comes from the same source? Based on what evidence would someone prove one is right and the rest are wrong, if they are all using the Bible?

By the way, when we simply listen to their respective subjective arguments, each one will sound right, although they are some key historical and objective facts that can discredit one while favoring another.

When because of the Bible most people don’t find it fair enough that an Almighty and All Powerful God could have led the human history that way, and as a result, choose to deny His existence, they seem to have a case, because the more the Bible scholars explain, justify, deeper is the bridge that separates them to the ones who are challenging the Bible and even more when  using historical data.

If the idea that there is One super God, and other gods(also with some type of power) is true, then we need to find Him where human beings with the help of these gods can’t misrepresent, can’t manipulate, can’t disorient the information about Him.

We need to find HIM where the proof of His Super power resides unquestionably, where the proof of HIS  love for humanity is undeniably shown within us leading us to understand, to tolerate and love each other. Also, the Bible scholars have to think it twice when willing to mention Prophecies and Miracles from the Bible as a great proof of identifying the All Powerful and Almighty God:

  • Prophecies: In almost all civilizations and beliefs, we have found people with special power to predict some type of events, the Bible has repeatedly referred to those (although as false), so the prophecies found in the Bible and verified through the Bible cannot on their own prove that the inspirations that those prophets received are from the Almighty God. Besides, lot of prophecies are being interpreted differently by over thousand views, which pretend each one to be from the same Almighty and All Powerful God. It is impossible for the Almighty and All Powerful God not to allow those who desperately believe they have been inspired by HIM, to understand prophecies the same way.
  •  Miracles: All Beliefs through all ages have claimed the power of doing or experiencing miracles. In fact, miracles still take place everywhere. So, the miracles reported in The Christian Bible, the Jewish Bible and The Koran are not unique to them, The Almighty and All Powerful God cannot be found in the Bible through Miracles.

So, why did I say that the Bible itself says where to find GOD?

The King David, a proven Israel King around a thousand years BC wrote in Psalms 19 and I am quoting:

” The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the  firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge…”

Clearly, king David anticipated that if we want to find God, we simply need to take a look at the universe, and we will soon get to the same conclusion as him. There is no in between, no misinterpretation, no translation, no forgery. Everyone can confess they have never been able to see the SUN, but they do know it exists, and because of its immensity and its temperature, no one can get close to it. If we agree that the sun doesn’t move, and that the sun makes life possible on earth, certainly we can ask: how does the sun come to exist? Should the sun be a result of the Big Ban theory or was the sun in fact created?

By the process of elimination, any scientist will have to admit that the sun has to be created until proven otherwise, if not there is no other way for it to make sense. And, if still no one can get close the sun and remains alive, no one can even contemplate it like we do with the moon, we need to conclude that its creator, the real source of energy, the real source of life,  has to be less approachable.

Again, according to David, God’s power and love are obvious throughout His creation: no faith needed.

Each single human being, or group of human beings claiming that they know God in all His Immensity and dimension, and that they can even speak for Him are simply hallucinating; if not, they would have to show full knowledge of at least all things created such as the sun, men etc. This is basic logic: How should one be able to know the creator if he/she doesn’t have a full knowledge of his creatures/works? Mostly, those people claiming to speak on God’s behalf, don’t even fully know themselves ( as God’s creatures).

Can I pretend knowing Plato if I don’t know ALL his works? The problem we have here is a society characterized by talking about people, things and places they don’t really know. The Bible scholars are not an exception, on the contrary, they are so blind that they don’t mind inducing the whole human race in their obsession of knowing God rather than stepping back and reconsider the foundation, the logic of their beliefs.

First, The God they claim talking about is the One who supposedly created the whole universe, the Sun included, no one has ever been able to approach the sun, while everyone benefits from its temperature. In other words, God created a material world, He also created men, but men invented that we need to find the Creator in a Spiritual world: Makes no sense at all. We need to a priori understand, dominate the material world we are living in, then, if we have not found God within His creation, we may surely come up with this as an alternative.

As we are looking forward to seeing what the Rosetta mission, the first one in human history with that caliber,  will bring to humanity as information through Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, we as human beings must reach the stage of understanding the fact that if there is an Almighty and Al Powerful God, the best way to find Him is through His creation which as of today has not been manipulated by men. Each time the Bible is used to show God to the world, it is becoming a waste of time because people who want to understand and to know, will challenge it with no way out.  The Bible doesn’t unite humanity, instead, it creates more confusion, that is why around the Bible ( sacred book) there are that many interpretations and beliefs. On the other hand, the sun as maybe the most important and indispensable element in our solar system, does unite humanity.

The next question is: If there is an Almighty and All Powerful God, first of all, does He have a plan for humanity? If yes,  where then can we find it?