Your Belief, Your Truth.


Born and raised as a Seventh Day Adventist, I think  it is surprising to advocate for any type of faith.  In fact, I truly believe in my God, The One  I walk with every day, the One Who lives in my heart; The One Who listens and answers me whenever I seek Him.

Of course, I believe the seventh day is the day set a part to praise and adore Him completely. I train my daughters in the same path. I praise God Jehovah, as well as Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I also believe that I am saved because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

I have seen miracles done in my own life and others’ lives. The way I believe, is the truth for me. I am a follower, I belong to a Christian Church,  created by a group of men and women 170 years ago. I can’t even imagine that I could change to a different doctrine/religion because  The way I believe has always worked for me.  Whenever I get stuck in  this life, my Lord has been there to deliver me no matter what.

From where I came from, there is no other way on earth I could be that successful in this life without my Lord, my Savior and that is my belief, the way I was taught about Him since I was born. I have seen His Hands taking  me out of difficult times. Being the oldest child, when I  turned 14,  I was already an orphan, but I never felt alone, He was always with me,  guiding me surely: studying and working  while taking care of my 2 youngest sisters. We were going to church every Sabbath, we were praising and praying our Lord at home as we were taught to, and this worked perfectly for me.

Even now, more than ever, I feel Him closer to me, when most of the times I don’t even act properly. He has blessed overwhelmingly my family. Very deeply, I have always believed that if God is real, He has to be real  in my life. Whatever I have heard or learned about Him is good to know, but what is really great is the fact that He is real in my life.

Who can tell me that my way of believing is wrong? How on earth someone would be able to show me something different?

And of course, I wanted to believe that was the only way, I tried to convince others to be like me, to  be Seventh Day Adventist as well.

I have come to discover that the way people  believe doesn’t matter at all. There are so many ways…From Seventh Day Adventist to Atheist: Which one is truth? One of them or none of them? Why not all of them?

Why should that matter if all of them work for some of those that follow them: Miracles happen everywhere for those who believe and even don’t believe in miracles. Some people truly believe in “Saints” because they have had results or they know someone who had been blessed that way. I don’t believe in “Saints” and why should that matter to convince them that they are wrong, simply because it is not my belief? It has worked for them, this will be always true (to them).

I don’t believe there is any absolute truth about the way ones believe or not. What is the Religion that works 100% for its followers? NONE.

Most people die with the hope to have a better life, to be cured from a certain disease, etc… That’s the truth about religions, none of them work for all their followers.  However, I was tempted to believe that my own experiences with my God were directly linked to my religion, when unfortunately few people in my religion can refer to their own experiences like me, while surprisingly people from different beliefs are having  the same type of experiences.

Every believer representing a doctrine or a religion has been making the attempt to say that they have the truth which is actually their truth based on their own understanding, What proof can I have, can you have about our beliefs that would make any change to the ongoing way of the world? NONE.

Each one will continue to fight, to sustain their own belief, besides the economical and social power/interest we have behind each one. Since the beginning, God has been a Mystery.  Each individual has been having his own and personnel experience with HIM, so we will always have our interpretation of God. I believe that GOD Himself understands this fact and that is okay with HIM. The Day HE wants us to have the same view of HIM, He will reveal Himself to everyone, the same way.

If we can live in this time where technology is growing significantly, we are not to simply repeat things that are no longer sustainable. The concept of God, only, refers to Superpower and I understand that, before, people couldn’t have a clear view of what a Superpower could be. Also, God should be someone practical, pragmatic not theoretical. And if we refer to the creation of the universe for which He takes credit, we can see that He is Logical: everything works perfectly.

In my opinion, Technology is helping us to understand GOD. No one has ever seen INTERNET, but everyone believes in Internet TODAY.  Now, did the entire world believe in Internet 50 years ago?  NO. Fifty (50) years ago, that means,  year 1966, Internet was starting to exist in about 3 countries: USA, Great Britain and France. I can even imagine if those professors working in these science laboratories could believe in what Internet is TODAY and the Power that goes with it. Maybe the time hasn’t come yet for us to have a clear and common understanding of God; so why fighting with someone to believe in God your way?  Why even fighting with someone to Believe in God? This is not necessary, we can simply accept these facts as temporary. If God is True, at some point, He will be true for all of us because no one will ever question His existence. The Truth is absolutely true only when it becomes unquestionable.

Of course you need “Faith” to believe in things you can’t see or things that will happen when you don’t see how.

God has to be Bigger than any type of technological revolution, in other words, Technology will bring humanity to GOD and then the view of God will be the same. (That’s my own projection)



Hello world!

Welcome to my Blog. My name is Ashley Pierre and it is my pleasure to finally share with all of you my thoughts about the world we are living in, our reality as Human beings, the only human race.

My main focus is everything that unites humanity, such as technology, God, Salvation for all etc.

Most of my reflections are not common at all. Remember that, historically,  anyone trying to say things different than the normal view is quickly categorized somehow as crazy.

Some of my main topics are:

  • Humanity as only one race;
  • Salvation for ALL,  Atheists included
  • How Technology will lead humanity to GOD, the Creator;
  • the Great Controversy: What really happened? 
  • God and Me: a dynamic and constant relationship.
  • Why Religions have failed to lead humanity to God?
  • Is it okay to be atheist? Is it okay to refute God?
  • What do I think about Freedom From Religion Foundation?

I can’t wait to get and to stay in touch with you.



I wanna be a source of blessings to you


                        I WANNA BE


I may be going through a hard time;

Like everyone else, I may be having a bad day;

But, as soon as you get in touch with me,

I wanna be a source of blessings to you.


I may be feeling pain or facing a serious illness;

I may be in prison, or sentenced to death;

I may be living my last minute on earth;

But as soon as you get in touch with me,

I want you to see hope through my eyes.


I may be feeling depressed, not having a job;

I may have just lost a loved one,

But as soon as you get in touch with me,

I want you to get the best of this moment.




You may have hurt me, betrayed me;

You may have put me in trouble,

You may not like me, covet what I have, You may even want me dead;

But as soon as you get in touch with me,

I still wanna be a source of blessings to you.


What if I am  the one, who betrayed you, hurt you, put you in trouble, wanted you dead,

Coveted what you had, didn’t like you at all?

Just know  that today, I want to reach out to you,

And be a source of blessings to you.





Dr. Ashley Pierre,



Just be a Human

I don’t need to  think like you;  I don’t need to believe like you;                                    I don’t need to behave like you;  To be a good man, I only need to be a Human.

I don’t need to be  a Christian; I don’t need to be a Jews;                                                    I don’t need to be a Muslim;  To be a good man, I only need to be a Human.

I don’t need to be an American, I don’t need to be an European; an African,            I don’t need to be a Hispanic or an Asian;  To be a good man, I only need to be a Human.

I don’t need to be Black; I don’t need to be Yellow;                                                              I don’t need to be White;  To be a good man, I only need to be a Human.

Dr. Ash